Greg W. Miles, a longtime contract employee for General Motors recently lost his job as a Processing Supervisor for tool designs at the Weld Tool Center in Grand Blanc, Michigan. Like thousands of Americans across the U.S., his job came to an end due to the economic hardship as a result of the Great Recession. This led him to write, “Didn’t Quit My Day Job, It Quit Me.” This country and western style song, with acoustical guitar, harmonica and echo, “signifies how the hardworking American doesn’t have the long term stability we once had in our workforce,” according to 118 Interactive Design, a sales and marketing company that is using the song to promote its services.
“A short time ago, in anticipation of the possibility of losing his job, Greg put some of his thoughts into the song. After 38 years working in Manufacturing Engineering he now finds few opportunities to continue in this field. At the age of 56, Mr. Miles ponders what his new career will be. For many like Greg who have seen their 401K cut in half, retirement is no longer an option. The song examines a list of fantasy careers evolving to the more likely job opportunities. The song displays in a rather lighthearted manner a very serious problem facing people like Greg across our country,” said 118 Interactive Design. Click here to hear the song. It costs 99 cents to download.