Council of Economic Advisors Seal

"In other words, all the other cars were being sold on Mars."

When a blog site declared that the CARS program, aka Cash For Clunkers, cost taxpayers $24,000 per vehicle sold and only 125,000 of the sales were incremental, it was too much for the newly aggressive Obama Administration to ignore publicly.

In a witty and number filled response that referred to the publicity seeking site and an analysis by the Council of Economic Advisors, the White House blog asked viewers to decide for themselves.

Not before using rapier wit and a decidedly better written blog post, that is – so if you “live by the sword, you die by the sword” was the signal to all the bloggers out there.

The White House said, “On the same day that we found out that motor vehicle output added 1.7% to economic growth in the third quarter – the largest contribution to quarterly growth in over a decade – has released a faulty analysis suggesting that the Cash for Clunkers program had no meaningful impact on our economy or on overall auto sales. This is the latest of several critical ‘analyses’ of the Cash for Clunkers program from, which appear designed to grab headlines and get coverage on cable TV. Like many of their previous attempts, this latest claim doesn’t withstand even basic scrutiny.

“The Edmunds analysis is based on two implausible assumptions:

“1. The Edmunds’ analysis rests on the assumption that the market for cars that didn’t qualify for Cash for Clunkers was completely unaffected by this program. In other words, all the other cars were being sold on Mars, while the rest of the country was caught up in the excitement of the Cash for Clunkers program…

“2. Edmunds also ignores the beneficial impact that the program will have on 4th Quarter GDP because automakers have ramped up their production to rebuild their depleted inventories…

“Most importantly, this program is helping boost our economy and create jobs now when we need it most. In a comprehensive report, the Council of Economic Advisers estimated that the Cash for Clunkers will create 70,000 jobs in the second half of 2009. The strength of recent auto sales data suggest that, if anything, this projection underestimates the actual impact of the program. CEA’s analysis is transparent and comprehensive, laying out all of its assumptions for the public to understand., on the other hand, is promoting a bombastic press release without any public access to their underlying analysis.

“So put on your space suit and compare the two approaches yourself,” the White House concluded.

Edmunds is apparently able to communicate from Mars.

In a statement, it said:

“This analysis is valuable for two reasons,” explained CEO Jeremy Anwyl. “First, it can form the basis for a complete assessment of the program’s impact and costs. Second—and more important—it can help us to understand the true state of auto sales and the economy. For example, October sales are up, but without Cash for Clunkers, sales would have been even better. This suggests that the industry’s recovery is gaining momentum.”

As this item is posted, Anwyl is about to appear on – where else – Fox News, which is also held in the same esteem by the White House as Edmunds apparently is.

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