Whatever happened to British reserve? And I don’t mean the pound as currency.

Well, if you believe a recent survey, and it is not a p.r. hoax, almost half of the Brits surveyed have engaged in some form of car sex.

While the sexual antics of the Royal Family are well known, the cliché about reticent British attitudes toward amour – note that the French always supply the bon mots in this area not our mother tongue – have long prevailed.

A significant 45% of Britons surveyed by MadBid.com admit to car shagging. As to why MadBid, claiming to be the UK’s leading penny auction website or their version of eBay, was interested in this topic, we will not speculate.

Other less salacious items in the survey include the 15% of respondents who told MadBid they had performed a handbrake turn, while 8% see nothing wrong with running a red light.

On seeing the results, MadBid’s Managing Director Juha Koski said, “I think this survey means that Brits can now shake off their reputation of being so reserved and having that stiff upper lip… If anything, I’d say that Brits are not afraid to sometimes do things that can only be described as totally MAD!”

Well, a gentleman never kisses and tells. At least that was the old rule (Britannia) …

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