Michael Phelps, the eight gold medal winner at the recent Beijing Olympics, who last month was retained by Mazda (outside the U.S.) as a spokesperson for a reported $1 million was contrite and apologetic in a :52-second video airing in China to apologize for the embarrassing photo of his taking a toke on a bong at a house party in South Carolina.
In his mia culpa, broadcast in English with Chinese subtitle translation running as the zip stream, Phelps noted, “The past few days have been rough, my actions were regrettable but I have received support and encouragement on line for so many Chinese friends. I will learn from these mistakes and train hard to once again make you proud.”
Mazda in Japan issued a statement noting Phelp’s remorse and dedication will allow him to return to competition and set more records.”
On YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e2xm8nRpMkE&eurl=http://thelede.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/02/13/phelps-draft/?scp=1&sq=mazda&st=cse