Auto Loans, Payments Reach Record Highs

Auto Loans, Payments Reach Record Highs

Despite the fact that automakers are selling fewer vehicles, they continue to make more money per sale because buyers are borrowing more and, as a result, paying more each month for those new vehicles. The average amount borrowed to buy a new vehicle hit a record...
U.S. New Vehicle Sales Tick Upward in May

U.S. New Vehicle Sales Tick Upward in May

With Fiat Chrysler and Toyota leading the way, automakers surprised on the upside in May, posting modest sales increases for the month. FCA, where overall sales increased 2%, reported setting three records in May, led by the Ram brand which notched its 12th...
Power, LMC Predicting 2.1 Percent Drop in May Auto Sales

Power, LMC Predicting 2.1 Percent Drop in May Auto Sales

May is expected to see the continuation of falling monthly auto sales in the U.S. that the industry has seen for the first four months of the year with a decline of 2.1%, according a new estimate. Higher prices for new vehicles are largely to blame, according to...
Memorial Day Weekend Means More Traffic — And Good Deals

Memorial Day Weekend Means More Traffic — And Good Deals

With Memorial Day weekend coming, it’s no surprise to find out that experts are predicting that the roads will be packed with drivers trying to get from one family function to another. However, if some of those drivers are smart, they’re out taking advantage of new...
Uber, Lyft Drivers Have Poor Recall Repair Record

Uber, Lyft Drivers Have Poor Recall Repair Record

Less than a week ago, the world discovered that Uber, Lyft and other ride-hailing service vehicles are the dirtiest ways to get someone to drive you somewhere. Now it may also be that they are the least safe, according to a new study. Consumer Reports claims that one...
WTO Likely to Shoot Down Trump’s “National Security” Tariffs

U.S. Ending Steel, Aluminum Tariffs on Mexico, Canada

Seeking to secure Congressional approval of the U.S.-Mexico-Canada trade deal, or USMCA, U.S. negotiators secured tough new measures against Chinese steel by agreeing to lift tariffs on steel and aluminum from Mexico and China. The deal avoids quotas on steel from the...